
What is Hiraya?

"Paper has its own magic"       Do papers work in their way? The paper has its purpose; for some people, it is just for documentation in schools, work, and others. After using paper, individuals usually dump their papers across the river and even in the streets. Sometimes, we don’t choose our actions carefully, especially regarding the environment. If we can benefit from that particular action, we don’t realize our actions.       Every action that we take affects our environment, whether it is a simple action or not. Every day in our life, we use paper. Papers are made from cutting down trees, so if you have ever wondered why mountains and forests are missing some trees, we use trees to create paper. However, some people plant a new seed of trees to grow another tree.       People throw their paper in the streets, garbage, and rivers or even burn it to lessen their things and documents. These actions significantly affect our environment, especially when burning papers, becaus